Sustaining forests, supporting sustainbly sourced timber
A year and a half ago, Stichting Probos was asked to use its knowledge and contacts to develop a market for ‘conservation timber’ as part of the Cities4Forests program.
This has resulted in partnerships between the municipalities of Amsterdam and Rotterdam and forest communities in Suriname, Bolivia, Guyana, and Guatemala.
Conservation timber from these community forests is being used for various applications, including benches, boardwalks, and bicycle and pedestrian bridges.
International network
Probos collaborates with international forest partners. In the banner above the footer of this site some of our partners are shown.
Probos: Sustaining forests, supporting sustainbly sourced timber
The Probos Foundation is committed to creating a healthy living environment for people and nature. Healthy and resilient forests are crucial for achieving this goal. Probos always puts the forest first and works tirelessly on promoting sustainable forest management and forest extension both in the Netherlands and worldwide.
Probos excels at signalling new developments, identifying knowledge gaps, developing and collecting associated knowledge and the translation of this knowledge into practical tools for policy makers, foresters and nature conservationists and organisations operating in the timber market.
Probos is a knowledge institute that was established in 1965. The team consists of motivated professionals who primarily focus on four fields of works, each with their own challenging goals.
To position timber as one of the solutions to help address climate change, and use the momentum to promote the use of timber, there should be no debate about sustainable sourcing.
Progressive Timber Trade Federations (TTFs) in Europe should encourage their members only to trade timber harvested from certified sustainably managed forests. Furthermore, this supports their members to comply with legal requirements including the upcoming EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR).