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Conference: Exploring pathways to verified sustainable tropical timber

19 May 2019

The 6th annual European Sustainable Tropical Timber Coalition (STTC) Conference, Wednesday November 20 2019, Berlin (Germany)

The European timber sector has focused on both ensuring its sources of supply are legal and on growing market share for verified sustainable tropical wood. The Sustainable Tropical Timber Coalition 2019 Conference looks at how these dual efforts can interrelate to increase verified sustainable timber supply and demand and how STTC tools can support the process.

The 2019 European Sustainable Tropical Timber Coalition (STTC) Conference will therefore be centered around the two themes of tropical timber promotion and how verified sustainable forest management can build on regional and national initiatives, such as the EU FLEGT VPA programme and Verified Sourcing Areas.

Join the conference to learn from the experience of companies, trade federations, NGOs and certification schemes, and share best practices with other delegates. The STTC conference will be connected to the International Hardwood Conference that takes place on November 21 and 22 at the same venue in Berlin. Both events will also be excellent occasions to network with buyers, suppliers and the wider rainforest commodity sector.

Learn about

  • why it is important to reverse the declining trend in the use of tropical timber
  • best practices of the use of promotion and sales tools
  • latest data on sustainable tropical timber market share
  • verified sourcing areas
  • the complementary, but distinctive roles of legality and sustainability verification
  • the impact of certification on the wider landscape

Participants and speakers
The Conference will gather STTC partners and participants, timber trade federations, timber traders, concession holders, policy makers, NGOs and other stakeholders. The conference will be moderated by popular long-term STTC conference facilitator Peter Woodward.

The conference is free of charge and will be held in Berlin. More information on the programme will follow soon. Online registration is open. The conference takes place just before the International Hardwood Conference at the same venue, with a shared drink and enabling delegates to attend both events. More information on the International Hardwood Conference can be found via

We look forward to seeing you at the STTC Conference and the International Hardwood Conference 2019!

European Sustainable Tropical Timber Coalition (STTC)
Probos (STTC Conference organizer)



The European Sustainable Tropical Timber Coalition (STTC) is an alliance of industry, business, government and NGOs dedicated to increasing European demand for sustainably sourced tropical timber. The coalition is convened and supported by IDH Sustainable Trade Initiative, and backed by a number of key partners, including the European Timber Trade Federation (ETTF), the International Tropical Timber Technical Association (ATIBT), the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC). The STTC’s aim is to strengthen demand for verified sustainable tropical timber, in order to incentivise the growth and spread of responsible forest management in tropical countries.


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