The European Forestry Accounts (EFA) will become an obligatory questionnaire for the member states of Eurostat. The CBS (Centraal Planbureau voor Statistiek, Statistics Netherlands) has primary responsibility for this questionnaire. The questionnaire becoming manditory gives reason to improve the quality of the data. CBS has asked Probos Foundation to assist in this.
To be more precise, the improvement will consist of the following actions:
1) Enhancing interpolation of the forest area.
2) Splitting forest area between Forest Available- and Forest Not Available for Wood Supply.
3) Estimation of supply and use of fire wood.
4) Mapping ‘Other land with tree cover’.
5) Improving the estimation Net Increment.
6) Mapping the value of the forest area.
7) Calculating the stock of standing timber.
8) Filling out the ‘Supply and consumption’ tables of Wood in the rough.
Expert(s) involved: Sander Teeuwen, Jasper Velthuis & Robin Zwijgers
Client(s): Statistics Netherlands (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, CBS)
Year(s): 2024