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Independent Timber Market Monitoring (IMM)

17 May 2017

The International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) has signed a contract with the European Commission to implement the project "Independent timber market monitoring: analysis of the reception of FLEGT (Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade) licensed timber on the EU market as framed by VPAs (Voluntary Partnership Agreements)". This is done in the context of recent activities of the ITTO-program “Promoting the expansion of international trade in tropical timber and wood products from sustainably managed and legally harvested forests.”.

In this context, Probos will act as the Dutch national correspondent. As a part of that, Probos will carry out a national study for the Netherlands and collect data about:

  • The species and product types that are being imported from VPA countries to the Netherlands;
  • Specific buyers and end users of wood products from VPA countries in the Netherlands;
  • Standpoints of traders, manufacturers and retailers concerning timber from VPA countries (including perceptions of quality, pricing, product range, technical and environmental performance);
  • Standpoints of traders, manufacturers and retailers related to the commitment for verification of legal status and environmental certification in the Netherlands;
  • Experience of traders and governmental institutions with the market launch of the first timber with FLEGT-license from Indonesia (including the perception of the administrative process, availability and price trends, shifts in market demand);
  • The organisations and policy measures in the Netherlands (like the EUTR monitoring organisations, governmental institutions, trade associations and environmental groups) who influence specifically the traders, manufacturers, retailers and procurement practices.

Additionally, Probos will contribute to communication about the IMM, the development of the IMM pricing series database, and if asked provide market related data to other agencies about the Netherlands.


Expert(s) involved: Jan Oldenburger & Sietze van Dijk
Client(s): ITTO & Ministery of Economic Affairs
Year(s): 2017 - 2021

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Stichting Probos
P.O. Box 253
6700 AG Wageningen
The Netherlands

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