Lesser known timber species Suriname (phase 2 and 3)
Close to 94% of the land surface of Suriname is covered with forests. In only 5% of the forest, trees are harvested for commercial timber trade. Forest Management principles are based on the Celos Management System, developed in Suriname from the 1960s to 1980s. This allows an annual allowable cut of 25 m3 per ha on a 25 year cycle. In practice the average annual harvest is below 8 m3 per ha. One of the main reasons for this low figure is the heterogeneity of the forest and harvest concentration on about 20 timber species. To decrease the pressure on these, it is important to harvest a greater variety, and this is encouraged through certified sustainable forest management (SFM).
Promotion of ‘Promotional’ or lesser known timber species (LKTS) will also increase harvest opportunities and improve the business case for SFM. The forest also benefits since the species composition is maintained.
The project includes investigation of the properties of promising LKTS from the Surinamese forest and pilot projects to demonstrate their potential application. In addition it involves activities to encourage European market mainstreaming of LKTS generally and Surinamese species in particular.
The project is divided in 3 phases:
- The inception phase, in which availability and the botanical and technical properties of 10 species from FSC certified forests in Suriname are being investigated and summarised in fact sheets. This will clarify which technical data are lacking or unreliable and need further research. Best practice for introducing LKTS to the market is also being assessed. Taking into account the finding of this research, in consultation with participating Suriname exporters and timber and wood product importers, the most promising LKTS for the European market will be selected.
- The R&D phase: where laboratory tests will be conducted to fill information gaps for the selected LKTS identified in the inception phase. The fact sheets and various databases with technical description of the species will be updated accordingly.
- Commercial phase: which will involve securing editorial coverage and free publicity for the project and the timber species involved in professional journals, with the effort intensified as the whole initiative progresses. Importing companies are also committed to actively develop their market for LKTS. And the project will finally incorporate all the experience and knowledge gathered in a best practice guideline report.
Timber testing report: Some properties of lesser known timber species from Suriname (SHR, 2019)
SHR Report timber inspection fresh water marina Akkrum, SHR, december 2020
Promoting the Lesser Known, Probos, december 2020
Fact sheets of 6 Surinamese Lesser Known Timber Species selected for further testing:
Scientific name | Surinamese name | Commercial name |
1) Buchenavia tetraphylla | Gindya udu | Tanimbuca, Fukadi |
2) Couratari spp. | Ingipipa | Tauari |
3) Pradosia ptychandra, P. surinamensis &P. schomburgkiana | Kimboto | Casca, Abiu, Chupon |
4) Eschweilera spp. | Manbarklak | Manbarklak, Kakaralli |
5) Platonia guianensis, P. insignis, Rheedia spp. | Pakoeli | Bacuri |
6) Hydrochorea corymbosa (synonyms: Pithecellobium corymbosum, Arthosamanea corymbosa) | Bostamarinde | Angelim pintado |
Kiezen voor minder bekende houtsoorten
GWW Totaal - 24 februari 2021
consortium: Stichting Probos (Lead coordinator); Greenheart Group Suriname; Dennebos Suriname Ltd.; Caribbean Parquet Flooring / TWC Ltd.; Soekhoe & Zonen NV; Suriname Foundation for Forest Management and Production Control (SBB); Stichting Hout Research (SHR); Innovita; FSC Netherlands; Tropenbos International Suriname
uitvoerder(s): Mark van Benthem, Joyce Penninkhof en Jan Oldenburger
opdrachtgever(s): European Sustainable Tropical Timber Coalition (STTC) / IDH, the Sustainable Trade Initiative; Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries (CBI); SKH; Surinamese FSC-certified companies; The Guiana Shield Tropical Timber Program; the Dutch Embassy in Paramaribo, Suriname
periode van uitvoering: 2015 - 2021