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06 June 2013

It is a question whether or not the forests and other woody plantings in the EU can provide sufficiently in the demand from the traditional wood sector and energy sector.

That’s why the EU has given a consortium the assignment to answer this question. The consortium consists of the University of Hamburg, European Forest Institute (EFI), the Finnish research institute Metla, Probos and the UNECE Timber Section. The goal of the EUwood project is to connect the wood demand of the energy and the traditional timber sector with the potential supply of wood from forests and other sources for the EU27. To reach this goal a wood balance is drawn up for the years 2010, 2020 and 2030 for the EU27. To do so, an estimate of the future demand of the energy sector and the wood sector is carried out, along with a prognosis of the potential supply from forest, landscape, fruit cultivation, wood value chain (e.g. residual wood) and the waste industry (scrap wood).


Expert(s) involved: Jan Oldenburger & Nico Leek
Client(s): European Commission (via University of Hamburg)
Year(s): 2009 - 2010



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