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UNECE Socio Econ indicators

11 April 2013

Improving the reporting of social economic indicators in the Forest Europe questionnaire.

Commissioned by the UNECE Forestry and Timber Section Probos carries out and evaluation of the report on Social Economic indicators in the State of Europe’s Forests 2011. Based on the results of this evaluation, the Forest Europe questionnaire will be adjusted where necessary, in order to increase the trustworthiness and completeness of the next State of Europe’s Forest report on social and economic aspects of sustainable management. In the project FAO, Eurostat, the Team of Specialists on Monitoring Sustainable Forest Management and a number of experts in the field of different indicators will work closely together.


Expert(s) involved: Jan Oldenburger
Client(s): UNECE Forestry and Timber section
Year(s): 2013

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