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Reports: 2018 and before

Soil compaction and deformation in forest exploitation

Jasprina Kremers & Martijn Boosten, december 2018

A literature review on causes and effects and guidelines on avoiding compaction and deformation.

For the Dutch summary of the report, click here.

Tratamiento de madera por inmersion en agua

Mark van Benthem & Sander Teeuwen, noviembre de 2018

Estudio de la bibliografia sobre los efectos y usos de la madera nacional, tratada por inmersion en agua.

Bois certifié sur le marché belge en 2016

Dries Van der Heyden, Bert De Somviele (BOS+), Mark van Benthem, Jan Oldenburger, Jasprina Kremers (Stichting Probos) & Valentijn Bilsen (IDEA Consult), april 2018

Avec la traduction français du résumé, de la conclusion et des recommandations.

Les importations de bois tropicaux en Europe: À quel point sont-elles durables?

Mark van Benthem, Jasprina Kremers,Jan Oldenburger (Probos), Nienke Stam & Nienke Sleurink (IDH the Sustainable Trade Initiative), June 2018

Estimation de la part de marché des bois tropicaux certifiés durables sur le marché européen.

How sustainable are Europe’s tropical timber imports?

Mark van Benthem, Jasprina Kremers,Jan Oldenburger (Probos), Nienke Stam & Nienke Sleurink (IDH the Sustainable Trade Initiative), February 2018

This report identifies trends in the trade of tropical timber on the European market, and explores how a European commitment to 100% verified sustainable tropical timber, can contribute to deforestation-free supply chains and help meet climate change mitigation targets.

Import of secondary timber products by the EU28

Jan Oldenburger, Mark van Benthem, Casper de Groot, Martijn Boosten & Patrick Jansen, november 2014

The Probos Foundation has conducted a study on behalf of the World Wildlife Fund into the market for so-called secondary (ready-made) timber products. To gain insight into the importance of these products in the total timber volume, the World Wildlife Fund commissioned an assessment of how many of these products are imported and what share of these products currently does not fall under the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR).

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