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In the press 2011 - 2015

Probos in the press, published in trade journals and newspapers.

The intelligent route to sustainable trade

ETTF newsletter, summer 2015

Dutch step up sustainable share

ETTF newsletter, summer 2015

ETTF supports Probos trade mission to Suriname

ETTF newsletter, summer 2015

Dutch experience with the use of Promotional Timber Species available online

In 2009 an online database for Sustainably Produced Timber was launched in the Netherlands: The database contains a considerable number of promotional e.g. lesser known timber species (LKTS) with information on the properties, applications and certificates for sustainable forest management. To share part of the Dutch experiences in applying LKTS in construction and waterworks, a selection of 30 reference projects has been made available in English. Also, relevant publications in English on LKTS are linked to the database.

Belgium beats certified deadline by six years

ETTF Newsletter, spring 2014

Over a Quarter of the Wood on the Belgian Market Carries the PEFC Label!

May 2014

Post address

Stichting Probos
P.O. Box 253
6700 AG Wageningen
The Netherlands

T +31 317  466 555
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