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In the press 2016 - 2020

Probos in the press, published in trade journals and newspapers.

EU sustainable timber sourcing could protect over 5 million ha of tropical forest – report

Utrecht / Wageningen, Netherlands: Tuesday 26 June 2018

If just Europe’s seven leading tropical timber-importing countries (France, the UK, the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Spain and Germany) committed to 100% sustainable sourcing of primary tropical timber products, it would incentivise sound forest stewardship of over 5 million hectares of tropical forest.

This is one of the headline findings of the latest report from the European Sustainable Tropical Timber Coalition (STTC), convened by IDH, the Sustainable Trade Initiative and written by the forest and timber sector expert Probos.

Nachhaltige Holzbeschaffung in den Niederlanden

Grüne Beschaffung, Nr.7 - 2016

New STTC website launches with funding programme

ETTF newsletter, winter 2015/16

Suriname mission highlights certified trade potential

ETTF newsletter, winter 2015/16

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