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Plenty of FSC timber in Suriname; but the market must adapt to the forest

11 december 2015

Recently, with the support of the Guiana Shield Tropical Timber Program of the Dutch Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH), more than 400,000 hectares of tropical forest have been FSC-certified. The Surinamese FSCcertified companies are eager to connect with buyers of sustainably sourced timber. This is consistent with the wishes of the European Sustainable Tropical Timber Coalition (STTC) to increase the demand for sustainably sourced timber. Therefore, the European Timber Trade Federation (ETTF) together with Environmental Services & Support (ESS) in Suriname and Probos initiated a FSC trade mission to Suriname. With the support of the STTC 17 timber importers from six European countries travelled to Suriname mid-November. And everyone is enthusiastic. The first orders have been placed.

Mark van Benthem, Probos
Sietze van Dijk, Environmental Services & Support (ESS), 2015

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